Poverty is a global problem, it has always been. Researchers and policymakers have been trying to figure out ways to eradicate poverty for decades. Researchers did research, policymakers made policies, development agencies carried out development work, but most of the poor remained poor. Why has the status of the poor not improved over the past two decades? Are they responsible for their plight? Or did the policies fail at larger extent? Main causes of poverty perhaps are lack of access to finance and faulty resource distribution method. With limited access to finance and a small representation or voice in the political and public debates, the poor find it even harder to cope with poverty, let alone escape from it. The poor people are naturally excluded from credit services in the formal financial sector in many countries, since availing credit requires collaterals. The poor primarily have to depend on family connections and the informal sector for capital and credit facilit...
This blog contains thoughts of a pro-Bangladeshi national on contemporary issues.